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           Many of these articles can be downloaded at Academia.Edu; if not, email me.



Nurmukhamedov, U., & Sadler, R. (2020). New Ways in Teaching with

     Games. Alexandria, VA: TESOL Press.

     ðŸ“š  VIDEO PROMO of the book: CLICK HERE

           Reviewed HERE

Nurmukhamedov, U., & Shorakhimov, Sh. (2023). The potential for learning mid-

     and low-frequency words through listening to podcasts. TESOL Journal,



Shorakhimov, Sh., & Nurmukhamedov, U. (2021). Assessing

     learners' productive vocabulary knowledge: Formats and considerations.

     English Teaching FORUM, 59, 16-25. CLICK HERE


Nurmukhamedov, U., & Shorakhimov, Sh. (2021). Corpus-based vocabulary

     analysis of English podcasts. RELC Journal. CLICK HERE 


Nurmukhamedov, U., & Webb, S. (2019). Research timeline:   

     Lexical coverage and profiling. Language Teaching, 52(2), 1-13. 


Qureshi, A., & Nurmukhamedov, U. (September 2018). Use of

     collocations in freshman composition: Implications for L1 English and   

     Arabic ESL writers. Asian EFL Journal


Nurmukhamedov, U. (2017). Lexical coverage of TED Talks: Implications       

     for vocabulary instruction. TESOL Journal, 8, 268-290.


Nurmukhamedov, U. (2016). The contribution of collocation tools to

     collocation correction in second language writing. International Journal of               Lexicography, 30, 454-482


Nurmukhamedov, U., & Olinger, A. (2013). Using technology creatively in

     search of collocations: Tips for L2 writers of English. Writing & Pedagogy,       5,       121-150.


Nurmukhamedov, U. (2012). Online English-English dictionaries boost word

     learning. English Teaching FORUM, 50, 10-15.


Nurmukhamedov, U., & Kim, S. (2010). ‘Would you perhaps consider ...’:

     Hedged comments in ESL writing. ELT Journal, 64, 272-282.


Nurmukhamedov, U. (2009). Teacher feedback on writing: Considering the

     options. Writing & Pedagogy, 1, 115-126.

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New Ways Games_Cover.jpg

Sharakhimov, Sh., & Nurmukhamedov, U. (2023). Using word and phrase

     to help learners identify high-frequency words. In Viana, V (Ed.), Teaching   

     English with corpora: A resource bookRoutledge.


Nurmukhamedov, U., & Sadler, R. (2023). Searching for academic

     collocations in Google Scholar: A technique for EAP writers. In Viana,       

     V (Ed.), Teaching English with corpora: A resource bookRoutledge.


Nurmukhamedov, U., & Plonsky, L. (2018). Reflective and effective teaching of

     vocabulary. In M. Zeraatpishe, A. Faravani, H. R, & M. Azarnoosh (Eds.), Issues

     in applying SLA theories toward creative teaching (pp. 115-126). Boston, MA:

     Brill Publishers.


Sharakhimov, Sh., & Nurmukhamedov, U. (2018). Learning grammar from 

     learner dictionaries. In Rylance, C., & A. Kevech (Eds.), New ways in teaching

     grammar (pp. 186-187). Alexandria, VA: TESOL International Association.


Nurmukhamedov, U., & Kerimova, I. (2017). Google.Docs: Writing practices      

     and potential use in ESL/EFL environments. In P. Hubbard & S. Ioannou-   

     Georgiuou (Ed.), Teaching English reflectively with technology (pp. 207-221).

     Kent, England. IATEFLSupplementary Materials


McFeely, W., & Nurmukhamedov, U. (2014). Target vocabulary use through

     meaningful sentence production. In A. Coxhead (Ed.), New ways in teaching

     vocabulary, revised (pp. 127-129). Alexandria, VA: TESOL International



Nurmukhamedov, U. (2014). Collocation look-up strategies for second language

     writers. In A. Coxhead (Ed.), New ways in teaching vocabulary, revised (pp. 164-

     167). Alexandria, VA: TESOL International Association.


Ranalli, J., & Nurmukhamedov, U. (2014). Learner dictionaries. In C. Chapelle

     (Ed.), The encyclopedia of applied linguistics (pp. 1-5). London, UK: Wiley-



Nurmukhamedov, U., & Sadler, R. (2011). Podcasts in four categories:         

     Applications to language learning. In M. Abdous & B. R. Facer (Eds.),

     Academic podcasting and mobile assisted language learning: Applications

     and outcomes (pp. 176-195). Hershey, PA: IGI Global.


Ergasheva, M., & Nurmukhamedov, U. (accepted). [Review of the book

     Perspectives on good writing in applied linguistics and TESOL]. Journal of

     English for Research Publication Purposes.


Saydazimova, I., & Nurmukhamedov, U. (2023). [Review of the book Campus

     talk]. TESOL Journal, 1-5.


Nurmukhamedov, U. (2021). Review of the book Professional Development in

     Applied Linguistics. Journal of English for Research Publication Purposes, 2(2),



Nurmukhamedov, U. (2013). Review of the book Lexical Errors and Accuracy in 

     Foreign Language Writing. Studies in Second Language Acquisition, 35, 7-9.


Nurmukhamedov, U. (2012). Review of the book Insights into Non-native

     Vocabulary Teaching and Learning. Studies in Second Language Acquisition,



Nurmukhamedov, U. (2011). Review of the dictionary Macmillan Collocations

     Dictionary for Learners of English. ELT Journal, 65, 96-99.


Nurmukhamedov, U. (2010). Review of the dictionary Cambridge Learner's

     Dictionary. Asian EFL Journal, 12, 209-210.


Nurmukhamedov, U. (2010). Review of the book Second Language Teaching and

     Learning in the Net Generation. Language Learning & Technology, 14, 16-19.


Nurmukhamedov, U. (2008). Review of the book Introducing Second Language

     Acquisition. Asian EFL Journal, 10, 236-237.


Nurmukhamedov, U. (2006). Review of the book Teaching English to the World:

     History, Curriculum and Practice. The Reading Matrix, 6. 1-4.


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